
Ricochet - Hanna Turi


Face so tense,面面相觑却心如撞鹿,

Stuck in the silence,陷入沉默寡言境地,

Where did all the fun go,曾经的欢快时光烟消云散,

Looks like an old memo,看起来像本尘迹斑驳的备忘录,

Though I strive to get there,即使我匍匐曲折的前往目的地,

to right where you are,去到你身旁,

All I feel is distance,但感觉心却咫尺天涯,

Anyway you got my heart tickin,不管怎样 你已深得我心,

Anyway you got me to believing,也对你言听计从,

Anyway anyway,无论如何,

Anyway you got these wheels spinning,你让时间的转轴不停轮转,

Anyway it's time for me to give in,无论如何 是时候该屈服于你,

Anyway anyway,无论如何,

It's a ricochet that'll fade away,回光返照但终会逐渐平息,

This race,这场竞赛,

People might call it a waste,旁人对它不屑一顾,

Defeated by the life that we chase,我们追逐着被现实重创的世界,

Defeated by the rules of the game we still play,任然玩弄着被教条规则束缚的游戏,

I wanted to get there,我想有所成就,

but forgot where we were,但却遗忘我们身处何地,

All that's left is distance,剩下只是无尽的距离,

Anyway you got my heart tickin,不管怎样 你已深得我心,

Anyway you got me to believing,也对你言听计从,

Anyway anyway,无论如何,

Anyway you got these wheels spinning,你让时间的转轴不停轮转,

Anyway it's time for me to give in,无论如何 是该屈服的时候了,

Anyway anyway,无论如何,

It's a ricochet that'll fade away,回光返照但终会逐渐平息,

In a cafe downtown,坐在市中心的咖啡馆,

I see you walking outside of the window,目视你路过窗外,

So familiar,气息是那般熟悉,

Yet such a stranger,但却形同陌路,

And all of these loaded questions, mysteries and wonderings,回忆曾经你我的过往 神秘莫测 疑惑不解,

deserve a break,该休憩下了,

But I've got a serenade,但我有首安魂夜曲,

To fill in the gaps,该能填补空虚之心吧。

